Thursday, March 7, 2013

Upstairs: San Francisco Cast Demo Recording

Hey ladies & germs!!!!

Some of you may remember that I was recently involved with a workshop of a brand new musical called "Upstairs". Well, a couple of weeks ago we went into a recording studio and recorded a demo for people to listen to until we open our full length production in New Orleans on June 21st! Here is a link to that site if you would like to purchase it (, or you can listen to it right here!!!! If you have any comments, please don't be afraid to leave them, I always enjoy productive criticism. :)

I am involved in the songs "Sanctuary" and "I Will Always Return".

Friday, February 22, 2013

Kirby & Brown: Story Town

I am starting a new YouTube webseries called "Kirby & Brown: Story Town". This will most likely be a weekly show, but its too early to say for sure right now. BUT, if any of you are interested, here is the teaser trailer for the series.

What this series will be, basically, is I will be playing through Kirby Super Star from the Super Nintendo. After I play through a chapter, I will go back and record voices and create a coherent storyline for you to follow as I play through ALL of Kirby's classic Games.

This is in conjuction with RandoCommandoBandito Productions (a company I started with my buddy in 2009) and its side company RCB Gamer. If you like what you see, please subscribe and tell others to watch as well!!!

Here is the video's link:

Monday, January 28, 2013

Upstairs: A New Musical

Sorry for the delay guys!!!!! Been a while, but I have been very busy with my new show!

I have recently started rehearsals for a brand new musical called "Upstairs". It is based on a fire that happened in 1973 in New Orleans at a bar called the Upstairs Lounge. It was a gay bar. 32 people died in that fire, and it was only in the national news for 1 night, and no one ever heard of it again... Until Now. We will be performing a 5-Man, 90 minute workshop production in the bay area of the full show (which will premiere in Los Angeles, CA in June/July).  I will be playing the parts of Uncle/Marcy/Mitch!!!!! We perform in the bay area Feb. 12-14. This show has a lot of history, so if you would like to read more on the history of the event (or If you are interested in coming to see the show) please visit our official website: You can buy tickets to show, read the history, check up on the cast, etc.

Here is the Facebook Event Page to confirm your attendance:

Also, before I go, here is a kickstarter for our WORLD PREMIERE in june, and a special ONE NIGHT performance in New Orleans for the anniversary of the fire. Please donate any amount you can! Click the link here:


Thursday, October 4, 2012

They're All Going To Laugh At You!

           SOOOOOOOOOO... This kind of has nothing to do with acting (it does in the grand scheme of things though) but the Revival of Carrie - The Musical has just released the very first cast album of the hit/flop show!!!!! 

            This show has been around since the 80's and was WAY ahead of its time. It closed about a week after it opened on Broadway, and ever since has had a cult following the on the same spectrum of Rocky Horror. Bootleg Live Performances (Both cd and video), Libretto books, all sorts of stuff, and just recently did this show get re-written, and put back on Broadway. 

             It still isn't a hit by ANY means, but people who have been following this show for a long time are super excited to get a professional recording of this show!!!! Anyone who loves musical theater, or awful musicals, CHECK IT OUT! Here is the link to the Amazon page for the album: Carrie - The Musical

Thursday, September 27, 2012

No Rest For The Wicked

So, last weekend I closed the show I have been working on for the last 2 months, "Geeks Vs. Zombies". It was a great run, had great reviews and met a lot of great people in the process! Hopefully some of the connections I made during the run of this show will help me in the future. This crazy career we actors have chosen. The connections you make mean EVERYTHING. You may get lucky if you have the talent, but when you know someone already that is in the business, talent is just icing on the cake (ex. Lindsey Lohan). I don't know how many gigs I have gotten because the person I auditioned for knew someone I have worked with before.

So, with one show behind me, I have already started my next one!!! No rest for the wicked, eh? Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood opened, and it is (from what I have heard) the best year in recent history. Last weekend i had a rehearsal, an employee preview, and opened to sold out houses on both nights of opening weekend. You know, the sound of screams is much more satisfying when you are working next to the Bates Motel and the Psycho house. ;-) I am a walker on the set of The War of the Worlds on the Terror Tram! If you got the cash, and you love Halloween as much as a fat kid loves candy, then you MUST go this year. You won't regret it. :-) Well that is all for now folks. Until next time... BOO!

Halloween Horror Nights Official Website

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Geeks Vs. Zombies: Part 2

Well, opening weekend for Geeks Vs. Zombies went SMASHING. The houses were pretty well packed, and they all LOVED the show. One fan actually bought a shirt and a poster at intermission, and wanted all the cast to sign her poster after the show!

We had a couple of celebrities in the house as well! First we had Christine Barger ( and James Hong ( Although James didn't actually see the show, he said he was interested in coming back to see it!!!!

So Some good news for all of you with money problems... For the next few weeks, we will be having a PAY WHAT YOU CAN deal on Thursdays and Sundays! Take advantage of this while you still can folks!!!!