Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Aesop's Fables

For any of you who are interested, here is a web series that me and my friend made last year. We walked into a best buy, and used one of their computers to record us doing funny things, then i emailed it to myself, and ran away before we got into trouble.

If you would like to watch the rest of the videos, click the link below. Start at #1 (or two if you watched the video above) and go in order. It's funnier that way. :)

The Best Adventures of Steven and Brian

The Moral Of The Story Is: Art is everywhere. You just have to go out and find your inspiration.

PS: If you would like restart this series, please leave me some comments below on some ideas you would like to see me do. And if you like my blog, follow me ----------> on this side of the page, or you can get it directly in your email by putting in the stop bar.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Trix Are For Kids...

One day... I will create a literal music video of this song. It will be done, and it will be glorious.

I just used Shazam to discover The Rain by Oran "Juice" Jones. http://shz.am/t51064814

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Miceli's and the Horror of Hollywood

So yesterday, I took the greyhound to Hollywood (as I do every week until my car gets fixed) and prepared for the two auditions I had for the day. The first was for Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios, and the second was for a singing waiter job at an Italian restaurant called Miceli's. Here is play-by-play for how my day went.

HHN: Showed up Universal city walk around 1 pm, walked around, looked at some shops (side note: "things from another world" had a special $10 foil variant of Walking Dead #100... Oh it was a thing of beauty) so after chillin, charging phone for a bit by the sheriff alcove, I head over to the Globe Theater, where a line had already formed. Talked to some people who have worked at HHN for about 8 years, got some good tips. They started to split the line around 4:30. First line: AVGA union members, current universal employees or HHN Alumni. Second line: non-union/none if the above. Signed all the paperwork, got my picture taken, went into the room, and while I'm bound by confidentiality about the audition process, I had a blast in that room! Came out of the room and awaited cuts. They came out, and called my number 3rd!!!! I made it to final step! So now I just filled out my application on their "top secret" performer website, and now, I await their decision.

Miceli's: I walk down to the restaurant (which was only like 1/2 mile) and I ask for Jeff Urband (the pianist I was supposed to meet with) they tell me he is currently playing now, and I have to wait for him to take a break. So I go outside to warm up, and who do I see?! Alisa Marie Taylor!!! So we talked for a bit outside, went back inside and they said her should have a break in about 10 minutes, but we can take a seat and wait inside. So we sit and jeff comes up, we introduce ourselves, and we start to talk about the restaurant, his career, my career, and basically just shoot the shit. Then after a little while I go up to sing. Now I had no idea how this was going to go. I saw some of yhr other performers walk around and perform at the tables and alisa says "oh, its kinda like melodrama in a much nicer restaurant" ha ha! So I sing Anthem from chess first. I walk around, I sing to the crowd, and they seem yo enjoy it! Then I sing Heaven on their minds from Jesus Christ Superstar. Pretty rocking right? Well, while no one got up to rocked with me, they looked impressed. After it was all said and done, Jeff said that I did "really really really good" and that he wants me to come in on a Friday or Saturday when its busier, and also so the scheduler can hear me, since he hires the singers. He gave me his cell number, and said he was impressed and said he would talk to some people. So I think he may want me on board!!!!!!!

After all that, I rode the metro to my friends house to sleep on his couch. Then i talked to my girlfriend a little bit, she asked about my day and I asked about hers, and we said good night, falling asleep apart from each other for the first time since October. I missed her a lot, But I dreamt of her all night, so it helped a little.

So overall, a successful day of auditions. And I'm excited for many more in the City of Angels. And now, I head home to be with my lady and the kids, and we go to the midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises"!!!!! I'm so excited to be there tonight!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Geeks Vs. Zombies: part 1

So, I just started rehearsal for a new play in Los Angeles called "Geeks Vs. Zombies"!!! Its written by some friends of mine James Kopp and David Rock. This show is bad ass to the max! Now, this show is not BRAND new, it had a successful run in Bakersfield, CA for two years in a row, so they decided to try their luck in LA.

I play Milo, the tour guide of forty Mathey, a fort the geeks find and take shelter in. The show is a hoot and half to do, and will be a hoot and a hollar to watch!

This is the second show in LA that I have done since graduating from PCPA in 2011. The first being new musical called "Tsarina" at The Grove in Upland. But this is especially exciting for me because this is the first play (not musical) I have done since leaving school. The same method, but a whole new set of rules. Will keep you all posted!

Here is the event page for all those who are interested:
